That means it’s time for BYOC – Bring Your Own Crazy! We answer five little questions to get to know each other better and to give our blogging brains a break. Copy to your own blog and enjoy!!
1. What religion were you raised as a child, if any, and are you still a member of that faith today? Why or why not?
I was raised as...none. My Mom and Dad were both forced to go to church and school (church school?) - when they had me, they didn't raise me any anything but to be a good person. If anyone asks me what my religion is - that's what I say - I was raised to be a good person and help others, but it doesn't have a label or a church.
I have *tried* many times to seek comfort from many faiths when I was troubled (I would go to church with friends) but I never felt wanted or that I belonged. Actually I pretty much felt like crap whenever I went. I sometimes envy people for the comfort they seem to get from religion/God/Jesus, but it just doesn't do anything for me.Maybe that could change - I don't know. I have no problems with anyone elses beliefs either (My best friend is deeply religious and a wonderful person, and her equally awesome husband is a Pastor)
2. Do you have an all time favorite candy or do you change favorites often?
CANDY?? Sadly, I never met a candy I didn't like, unless it was like crawfish flavored or something (I used to live in Hawaii, where they have tons of stuff from Japan, and Japan has the WEIRDEST candy flavors)
My "favorite" candy BAR is called a Violet Crumble - I believe they are from Australia - we used to be able to find them in Hawaii then when I moved at a store called World Market - but they don't have them anymore! WAH! It's chocolate covered honeycomb toffee. Dude.
3. Are you a green thumb? Do you landscape your yard or plant any flowers or a garden? Do you pay someone to do it for you? Do you not plant a single thing?
I'm working on it. We are working on landscaping our new house, but it's slow going - and expensive.
4. Let’s just say you were a tattoo junkie and you were planning your next tat and it had to be words only. What words would you choose? A quote? Phrase? One word? Would you do it in English or a different language?
"Liebling" which means "little love" in German. It was what we named out first baby we lost.
5. Repeat question: Summarize your week.
I worked. I edited pictures. We went to my stepsons Kindergarten Graduation on Thursday and also got to visit with my Mother in law (she's stopping through on a trip). Today we went to my stepsons Cubscout graduation. I took so many pictures of his Graduations that I'm going to be editing them for a week. bah.
I never had a Violet Crumble, but I think it is my favorite :o)